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Chapters are groups of three or more high school students who organize in their communities, serving as the lifeblood of our organization. Chapters run the majority of High School Democrats programming, which can take the form of a variety of projects, some ideas and examples of which are listed below.​


1. START - Gather at least three members! You could ask friends, classmates, teammates, etc. Another effective method is to look for progressive clubs and affinity groups at local high schools or progressive organizations in your community.

2. REGISTER - Let us know that you are starting a chapter! Email High School Democrats of Wisconsin at or DM @hsdemswi on Instagram!

3. MEET - Set up a first chapter meeting! At the meeting, have chapter members register with High School Democrats (; take a picture and send it to High School Democrats of Wisconsin to be featured on the statewide Instagram; brainstorm project ideas using the list below if you need help; and designate a recurring meeting time (after school, over the weekend, during lunch, etc.) and location (school (consult this federal law if the school administration is challenging, coffee shop, library, park, home, etc.).

4. SUSTAIN - Keep your chapter going! Meet regularly, and start working on projects. Assemble a leadership team that includes at least one chapter captain and at least one person who is not in 12th grade (so the chapter will continue next year). Connect with your local county Democratic Party ( and ideally an adult advisor to add stability to the chapter. If you would like, launch a chapter Instagram account and follow @hsdemswi.



  • Organize an event with special guests such as local candidates, party leaders, government officials, or experts on an issue

  • Discuss current events, using the Democratic Party of Wisconsin's news page for ideas

  • Join a Democratic Party of Wisconsin event or a High School Democrats of America event

  • Sign up to be poll workers in an upcoming election

  • Have a voter registration and election information drive

  • Attend a county party meeting and help out with county party projects

  • Volunteer for candidates and campaigns in local elections

  • Host social events with games and snacks


  • Set up a booth at a school club fair, community event, or school entrance

  • Attach a volunteer drive to another event by asking anyone who engages to join the chapter

  • Ask friends to join the chapter 

  • Create and put up posters to advertise the chapter

  • Post on social media to advertise the chapter

  • Reach out to people from members' social and extracurricular circles to see if they are interested in joining the chapter


  • Make educational posters or social media about an issue or piece of legislation

  • Write to or call government officials about an issue or piece of legislation

  • Speak at a local government meeting about an issue or piece of legislation

  • Volunteer with a local activist or community service organization

  • Submit a letter to the editor about an issue or piece of legislation

  • Hold a demonstration on an issue or piece of legislation

  • Start and collect signatures for a petition on an issue or piece of legislation

email us
dm us

Paid for by Ben Wikler, chair of the democratic party of wisconsin

Visit the High School Democrats of America:

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